在這個充滿壓力,焦慮,痛苦和挑戰的時期,請加入我們,唱誦40天的Ra Ma Da Sa神聖的音流,將我們的聲音匯聚在一起,以療癒和提升精神。
Sat Nam 親愛的台灣Sadh Sangat,
不知道最近大家有沒有聽到一些關於我們老師Yogi Bhajan的負面消息?
1月底由Yogi Bhajan老師早期的學生也是秘書長所寫的書在美國出版了。書的作者後來離開了3HO,而後再加入,又離開了。現在,在我們老師已經逝世15年,她藉由這本書透露某些她個人當時的經驗,內容當中她提到Yogi Bhajan在性方面的不當行為。顯然這本書正撼動著我們3HO全球的Sadh Sangat。
Siri Singh Sahib集團、KRI (昆達里尼研究學院)、Sikh Dharma International(國際錫克正法)、Dharmic Office of Public Affairs (公眾事務正法辦公室)、國際3HO基金會 & 國際IKYTA以上所有官方組織,代表我們全球社群組織立刻成立了一個「合作回應團」(Collaborative Response Team)來面對處理此事件,並已經委託第三方獨立調查委員會來追查真相,早日恢復和平與安全的環境。公眾事務正法辦公室已經表示,他們「希望為社群內的所有成員找出溝通、理解和包容的道路」。
最近這幾個星期,世界上已經有許多不同層級的對話和處理在進行中,IKYTA Taiwan密切地關注事件的發展、協助代表我們社群國際組織提供翻譯服務,同時也跟其他全球教師協會代表、全球培訓師及整體社群保持聯繫。
相信我們的價值觀會繼續引領我們前行。IKYTA Taiwan希望透過未來的活動和聚會能服務整個台灣Sadh Sangat,提供一個既溫馨又安全的學習環境,對於所有提問和意見感到被接納,提升自己、療癒與被療癒,一起共同成長。最後,每個人都會基於各自的經歷和直覺的力量,自行決定我們該相信什麼,該如何在靈性道路上繼續前行。
Yogi Bhajan的教導是強而有力且正確合宜。傳承自Yogi Bhajan®的昆達里尼瑜伽非常有效,妙用無窮,我們把這些教導當作重要的工具和大家分享,以協助每個人都能擁有健康、快樂、神聖(完整且自主)的生活。
在此也提醒我們是少數幾個設有專門的「道德與職業準則辦公室」(Ethics and Professional Standards office)的瑜伽組織,並努力推行「昆達里尼瑜伽學生的十大權利」。
https://ikytaiwan.wixsite.com/ikyta/blank-6 :EPS (道德與專業標準辦公室)
https://ikytaiwan.wixsite.com/ikyta/10-10-rights-of-a-ky-student :昆達里尼瑜伽學生的10項權利
IKYTA Taiwan邀請大家加入另外一個「台灣Sangat 40天冥想(2月25日~4月4日)」:https://ikytaiwan.wixsite.com/ikyta/blank-19 Five meditations to prepare for the gray period of the planet and to bring mental balance 五個特別的冥想,讓我們能面對地球的灰暗期並為我們帶來心理平衡: 五個當中第三個(3.Meditation for a Calm Mind and Strong Nerves 冷靜心智及強化神經的冥想)。

Sat Nam!
Satwant Kaur
IKYTA Taiwan 理事長
以下為「合作回應團隊The Collaborative Response Team」所設立的網站:

「Jo Upjo So Binse Hein.」
—— 1987年3月30日 Yogi Bhajan
In my last days of my journey on this Earth, I would like to share my experience and my knowledge which I am carrying in my heart; so that when your generations will follow and sometimes when society will become so corrupt that you cannot live with it, you will dig out those pages and with the touch of that, you can find life is worthwhile. Teacher is not what you think it is. It's so ridiculous to see western people defining a teacher. You do not know what a teacher is. Teacher is not what you think a teacher is. Teacher is a hopeful, possible, knowledgeable source where you can stop destruction. Destruction cannot be stopped by the individual. Whosoever shall construct shall destroy.
'Jo Upjo So Binse Hein.'
Whatever is born, whatever is created shall be destroyed. Then what can stop it? What can stop it is something which is higher than you and is still within you. So what is a teacher? The one whose teachings are within you. Because you cannot destroy you, because you never created you. For you, a teacher is a man. For some people, a teacher is just a father which they never had. Or a teacher is just a man which they couldn't get satisfaction from. Or for some people a teacher is just a person to come and play around. But for some people, a teacher is an altar of their destiny. The people who believe their teacher is the altar of their destiny have found a teacher. Others are looking for small events, for a long shot. So in reality, every human has the right of Infinite energy. The purpose of life is to experience beyond you, when you love beyond you.
I remember somebody I love. I gave her everything. She wanted and destroyed it all. There was nothing left to give. Because when you become self-destructive, whatever you achieve, you destroy, because you love your self-destruction. Just remember that.
Nobody destroys you. You destroy yourself. You destroy your relationship because you achieve the relationship to destroy it. The excellence you use as bait to catch the fish and then you destroy it because you do not value the Infinity. But if within you, you can have the discipline of Infinity, then you create nothing and you destroy nothing. Because Infinity is beyond you. You may sometime have the feeling that you fall in love with somebody and you do not know what to do about it. It's something beyond your control. That experience may be somewhere in your life. You can dig it out and just find it out. You are foolish not to develop that and you let it go. That's exactly what saintliness is. When all senses are controlled and the height of the sense is experienced by a limited person. Height of the Infinity is experienced by a very limited human being. When the light and the warmth is experienced always and ever, that is what a human being is. - Yogi Bhajan (March 30, 1987)
