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『與 the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan 並肩而立的學生』

作家相片: IKYTAiwanIKYTAiwan

這是昨天由『與 the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan 並肩而立的學生』發表的公開聲明:

懷著極大的感激之情,我們宣佈創建一個以保護和保存 Yogi Bhajan的傳承遺產的全球社群。 這個全球社群由來自世界各地的人們組成,他們受到這些教導的啟發,希望聚集在一起幫助保持教導的純潔和完整,並尊重 Yogi Bhajan 對這些教導的不懈奉獻和存在。


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帶著愛與感激 『與 the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan 並肩而立的學生』 ----- Here is a PUBLIC STATEMENT made yesterday by "Students Standing with the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan"

With much gratitude, we announce the creation of an emerging Global Community to protect and preserve the legacy of Yogi Bhajan. This global community is made up of people who have been inspired by these teachings, and who wish to come together to help maintain their purity and integrity, as well as honor Yogi Bhajan's tireless dedication and presence for these teachings.

You are invited to help us to expand this community, and bring honor and justice to our Master, and his sacred teachings.

Click this link, for information in multiple languages: Traditional Chinese:

With Love and Gratitude, Students Standing with the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan



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