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當KRI 認證昆達里尼瑜伽老師:一輩子的旅程、成長與學習

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Tips for Teachers: 10 Things I Wish I’d Known

When I Started Teaching Kundalini Yoga



作者:Ramdesh Kaur | 2012年6月8日 | 瑜昆達里尼冥想和瑜伽秘訣,昆達里尼瑜伽,瑜珈老師資源,瑜伽秘訣 | 10個建議 (譯者: Hari Bachan Kaur)


1. 沒有完美的課程


2. 沒有完美的老師

不要把任何人,包括你自己,推上一個高台上,無論你的老師如何令人驚艷,都只是黃金連結上的一個光點,這光點非常強大有力量,但最終他是黃金連結,是大師老師(Guru Dev),是教導的能量在改變你。但如果你因此崇拜老師,他們將使你失望,別忘了,他們是人類,你也是。別因為你是老師,而你就完美了,你只能成為完美的自己。

3. 使用好的音樂


4. 觀察你的流動


5. 留時間給大休息

一開始,我常無法留足夠時間給大休息,當老師的經驗久了,你越能了解一套kriya或冥想需要多久、要講多久的課以及你需要的時間與空間有多少。做完kriya後,給學生安排大休息很重要,因他們得以整合體內的能量以及肉體改變,確保你保留時間給大休息!如果你教一套特別挑戰體能的kriya,請考慮安排較長的大休息及整合的時間,我的CD Journey into Stillness可以支持大休息,有一首 “Guide Meditation for Deep Relaxtion” 不只是課堂上使用的工具,對於學習如何給出適當的大休息也是很好的。

6. 永不低估你的學生


7. 永不低估自己

不要允許自己掉入自言自語:「我不像某個老師那麼厲害。」每個人都是從某個地方開始,即使是Yogi Bhajan也有他的老師。保持學生學習的心態,允許自己相信黃金連結會支持你,我常發現在教學的過程中,我能做得比我平常多更多,我發現有些姿勢,我在課堂以外的時候做不到,但因為某些彈性的因素,我在教學的時候可以好好演示,這就是黃金連結。

8. 說出來


9. 安在於靜默中

有時你完全不需說話,課堂中,安在於定靜之中;冥想時,「堅持」(keep up)在這或在那不過就是一件事情,但感覺會超越整個房間,有時候冥想是如此強而有力,學生非常地深入冥想,而你不會想要在這時候打擾他們的體驗。

10. 努力是好事,而溫柔也是






1- 斯里蘭卡:2021年 3月(語言:英文) 2- 中國蘇州:2021年11月(語言:中文)

🌿了解三級教師培訓課程訂定的條件和相關的資訊,請詳閱KRI教師培訓執行總監 Amrit Singh Khalsa所寄來的信件,謝謝。





確切時間是每年的梅拉盛會(Mela) 在三月的第二個週六開辦。



- 週六至週一:三級梅拉盛會(Mela)

- 週二下午和週三:東南亞教師培訓執行委員會(SE Asia Teacher Training Executive Committee, TTEC)會議

-週四下午和週五:培訓師論壇(Trainer Forum)


中國的課程將以中文進行,每年可能都在同一地點(蘇州)舉辦,課程的時間是11月初。2021年11月2、3兩日將舉行培訓師論壇(Trainer Forum),梅拉盛會(Mela)則將在11月4、5、6三日舉行。

您可以在KRI 的網頁上找到更多有關三級教師培訓的資訊(英文):

在Yogi Bhajan 所定的第三級也是最後一個級別中,我們將完善我們作為教師的真實身

分,並加深與神聖的獨特關係。 KRI 三級教師培訓課程是個人自我實現的旅程。

「在三級課程中,你成為了教師—— 一個真理與靈性的教師。 你發展出一種能力,使

你僅通過自己的臨在就可以滲透到學生來與他們溝通,並用你的精微體來提升學生。 這就是寶瓶時代的教師——寶瓶教師。 透過你的意圖、投射與純淨,學生們得以體驗自己內在的真理。」

——Yogi Bhajan,1996



· 已獲得一級認證

· 已獲得二級認證(完成全部五個二級模組)

· 已教授500 小時的昆達里尼瑜伽(自一級畢業以後)

· 遵守現行版的《昆達里尼瑜伽教師道德與職業準則》,並按照最高的職業準則行事






a. 長唱誦(Long Ek Ong Kaar):日出前共40天2 ½小時

b. 克爾坦奎亞(Kirtan Kriya):著白色衣服40天2 ½小時

c. 大師的觸動(Master’s Touch):40天2 ½小時

d. 完整的寶瓶薩達納(Aquarian Sadhana):40天

e. 傳承自Yogi Bhajan 的昆達里尼瑜伽®身體練習的奎亞(60 分鐘以上)——40 天

f. 另外40天2 ½小時的冥想

g. 以學生的意識親身參與Yogi Bhajan 的40堂課,或觀看過40 個Yogi Bhajan 的錄影課

h. Sahej Paath(任何語言)



a. 擔任過夏至瑜伽節或其他瑜伽節的無私服務組(Seva Team)組長

b. 舉辦或主持過當地活動,如白譚崔瑜伽

c. 舉辦過社區聚會,如滿月冥想等活動

d. 舉辦過Akhand Paath

e. 參與過公共的無私服務專案(Seva Projects),如免費大廚房(Free Kitchens)等的活動

f. 出版過通訊刊物,翻譯過昆達里尼瑜伽 / 3HO 的資料

g. 在國家或地方性的3HO相關組織中擔任過重要職務

h. 其他類似的社區服務活動。

三級課程基本元素的完成至少需要1,000 天的時間。 在這段時間裡,每個人要致力於透過


創造一個由他們一生的熱情和奉獻所構建、傳承無私服務(Seva Legacy)的計畫。 此外,他們還需承諾參與梅拉盛會(Mela) ——一個讓參與三級培訓的成員共同投入、相互分享的聚會。

三級培訓和其他教師培訓課程之間的一個重大區別是,三級沒有培訓師。您的第一個梅拉盛會(Mela),是由那些已經開始三級旅程的夥伴所促成的。 此後,這幾乎完全是一個自我指導的個人成長歷程。

一旦這些梅拉盛會(Mela)於2021 年開始了,那麼每年都將如期舉行,所以每年都是讓新人加入的機會,但我們至少需要12 個人才能開辦新的團體。例如,如果您無法在2021 年參與,則可以申請在2022 年開始三級培訓的課程。如果湊齊12人了,那麼您就可以於2022 年開始,不然,梅拉盛會(Mela)還是照常舉行,但只給那些已在2021年開始的人參加——我們必須等到至少有12人準備好開始了,才能讓新的團體加入他們。

如果您對三級教師培訓課程有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件至levelthree@kriteachings.org給我們的三級主管Amrit Vela Kaur。

感謝您成為寶瓶時代的教師,在台灣散發自己的光彩並傳播Yogi Bhajan 的教導!

Amrit Singh Khalsa



Dear Teachers in Taiwan,

We are very happy to announce for you 2 new, more convenient, opportunities to participate in the Level 3 Teacher Training program!

We will be starting the in-person component of Level 3, which we call the melas, in two new locations in 2021 – in Sri Lanka and in Suzhou, China.

The program in Sri Lanka will be held in English, and will be the start to a rotating schedule. So each year the program would be held in a different Southeast Asia location. After Sri Lanka, we are anticipating that it would be in Bali in 2022, and then maybe Thailand in 2023.

The timing would be that the mela start on the 2nd Saturday in March each year.

At each location, there would be a series of events as follows:

· Friday evening arrival (the Friday before the 2nd Saturday in March, which in 2021 is Friday March 12)

· Saturday – Monday – Level 3 Mela.

· Tues afternoon and Wed. ‐ SE Asia Teacher Training Executive Committee (TTEC) meeting

· Thurs afternoon and Friday ‐ Trainer Forum

· Sat and Sun are available for the local organizers to do an event for everyone if they want to.

The program in China will be held in Chinese, and may be in the same location (Suzhou) each year. The timing for this program is in early November. In 2021, there will be a trainer forum Nov 2nd and 3rd, and then the mela will be November 4th, 5th, and 6th.

More information about what Level 3 is all about can be found (in English) on KRI’s Level Three webpage:

In this 3rd and final level that Yogi Bhajan gave, we refine our authentic identity as a Teacher and deepen our unique relationship to the Sacred. The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to self-realization.

“In Level Three, one becomes a teacher – a teacher of truth and spirit. You develop the ability to penetrate and communicate through your presence alone and uplift the students through your subtle body. This is the teacher of the Aquarian Age, the Aquarian Teacher. Students experience the truth within them through your intention, projection, and purity.” – Yogi Bhajan, 1996

The prerequisites to participate in the Level Three Teacher Training are outlined below. The number one thing is that you must have completed all 5 of your Level 2 courses before you begin your Level 3 journey.

To be eligible for Level Three you must meet the following criteria:


· Level One Certified

· Level Two Certified (completion of all five L 2 modules)

· Taught 500 hours of Kundalini Yoga (since the Level 1 graduation)

· In compliance with the current Code of Ethics & Professional Standards of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and conduct yourself in accordance with the highest professional standards

Section B: PERSONAL PRACTICE – A minimum of TWO practices are REQUIRED.

Option 1: TWO items from Meditation & Personal Practice category OR

Option 2: ONE item from Meditation & Personal Practice and ONE item from Community Service.

Meditation and Personal Practice

Completion of:

a) Long Ek Ong Kars -- 40 Days 2 ½ hours before sunrise

b) Kirtan Kriya -- 40 Days 2 ½ hours while wearing white

c) Master’s Touch -- 40 Days 2 ½ hour

d) Full Aquarian Sadhana -- 40 Days

e) Physical exercise Kriya in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan ® (60 min+) -- 40 Days.

f) Other 40 Day 2 ½ hour meditation

g) Personally attended 40 of Yogi Bhajan’s classes or watched 40 Yogi Bhajan videos with consciousness of a student

h) Sahej Paath (any language)

Community Service

Engagement in and service to the 3HO community for at least 2 consecutive years in any of the following ways:

a) Seva Team Leader at Solstice or Yoga Festival

b) Organized or hosted local events like White Tantric Yoga

c) Organized community potlucks, Full Moon Meditations, etc.

d) Organized an Akandh Paath

e) Participated in communal Seva Projects like Free Kitchens

f) Publishing newsletters, translating KY/3HO materials

g) Held a role of responsibility in a national or local 3HO related organization

h) Other comparable Community Service activity.

The foundational elements of Level Three take place over minimum of 1,000 days. In this time, one commits to developing a deep meditative practice through personal and group meditation, meeting regularly with a peer group to give and receive support, and creating a Seva Legacy project comprised of their life’s passion and service. Additionally, one commits to attending the Mela, a gathering for Level Three participants to be and share together in person.

One very significant difference between Level Three and the other Teacher Training programs is that there is no trainer for Level 3. Your first mela will be facilitated by people who have already begun their Level 3 journey. And after that it is almost entirely a self-directed process of personal growth.

Once these melas begin in 2021, they will continue each year. And so each year would be an opportunity for new people to join. We do need a minimum of 12 people to start a new group. So for example, if you can’t make it in 2021, you can apply to start your Level 3 program in 2022. If we get 12 people, then you can start in 2022. Otherwise, there will be a mela, but only for those that began in 2021 – we would have to wait until at least 12 people were ready to start before a new group could join them.

If you have any questions about the Level Three program, please email our Level Three Administrator, Amrit Vela Kaur, at

Thank you for being a teacher for the Aquarian Age and spreading your light and Yogi Bhajan’s teachings in Taiwan!

Amrit Singh Khalsa

KRI’s Executive Director for Teacher Training



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