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Yogi Bhajan 大師誕辰紀念
Yogiji's Birthday Celebration

Yogi Bhajan 誕辰紀念系列活動
IKYTA Taiwan invites you to:
We stay together in gratitude (Aug.15th-26th), heart to heart, hand in hand, all over the planet.
Many teachers from all over the world will join us and lead 31 mins Guru Ram Das chanting during these 11 days of global meditation. Thank you for joining!
這個傳統每年是適逢我們老師Yogi Bhajan的生日(8/26)在全球舉辦的。我們的意圖是一起冥想和祈禱為了世界和我們每一位目前最需要呈現的奇蹟。
特殊的晨間早課(Sadhana薩達那)& 全球同步冥想(台北時間為下午6點鐘)。
Celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday Anniversary
慶祝Yogi Bhajan的誕辰紀念日
Every year we celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s birthday. This is a very cozy occasion when we chant together in gratitude for all the priceless teachings he shared with us.
我們每一年都慶祝Yogi Bhajan的生日,這是一個非常溫馨的場合,大家共聚一堂為感謝他曾與我們分享的無價教誨而唱誦。
Eleven Days of Chanting: August 15 – August 25
We start with 11 days of chanting Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra. Join the global spiritual community in connecting with the spirit of Yogi Bhajan, and offering thanks for all the blessings he so generously shared with us.
我們以11天的唱誦打頭陣,每天唱誦31分鐘的Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru,用Yogi Bhajan個人的曼陀羅真言來呼喚Guru Ram Das。一起加入這個全球的靈修社群,與Yogi Bhajan的精神相連結,並為他慷慨無私與我們分享過的一切祝福表達誠摯的謝意。
In many communities, the chanting is hosted at different people’s homes each night. It’s always a special time for yoga students and teachers, family, and friends to vibrate together, share food and stories, and celebrate the life and legacy of Yogi Bhajan.
在許多靈修社群裡,唱誦於每晚在不同人士的寓所進行。這始終是很特別的時刻,修習瑜伽的師生、家人、朋友可以一起振動,分享食物和故事,並共同慶祝Yogi Bhajan的偉大生命和寶貴遺產。
Simultaneous Worldwide Guru Ram Das Chant: August 26
全球同步的Guru Ram Das唱誦:8月26日
At exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time, our worldwide community simultaneously chants Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. This is a powerful worldwide energetic connection to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles.
在太平洋夏令節約時間的凌晨三點整,我們遍及全世界的社群會同步唱誦11分鐘的Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru。這是個強而有力的全球能量連結,眾人一齊與奇蹟大師Guru Ram Das相連結。
Special Morning Sadhana: August 26
特別的晨間早課 (sadhana):8月26日
For morning sadhana on August 26 we chant Long Ek Ong Kars for 2.5 hours. Yes, it is a long time, and it helps if you can chant with a group. If you are chanting by yourself, then imagine you are chanting with many other voices. If you haven’t experienced this sadhana before, this is a perfect opportunity. In the ambrosial hours at the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das in Espanola, the sadhana room (in the Gurdwara) is packed full of yogis and yoginis wishing to partake of the nectar of this special blessing. Join in with your community and let us know how it went for you!
8月26日的晨間早課(sadhana),我們唱誦兩個半小時的Long Ek Ong Kars 。的確,歷時頗久,如果團體一起唱誦可能會有所幫助。如果你是單獨進行唱誦,也可以想像自己是在和許多聲音一同唱誦。如果你以前從未經歷過這樣的早課,這絕對是千載難逢的機會。在甘露時刻,位於艾斯潘諾拉的錫克教廟宇Hacienda de Guru Ram Das裡,廟內的早課室會擠滿男女瑜伽士,大家都期盼啜飲這個特殊祝福的瓊漿玉液。和你的社群一起加入吧,讓我們知道你參與此次活動的感想!
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